Jean-Marc Bouchard, bar. sax., Gilles Brisebois, elect. bass., Jérôme Blais, pno, Montréal, 2000:[audio:|titles=Transfuges]
Subsequent performances: by the Duo Traces (fl. Perc.), Montreal, November 2000, January 2001, April 2001: [audio:|titles=Transfuges (Traces)]
by Rob Mosher, saxophone, Toronto, May 2002:[audio:|titles=Transfuges (Mosher)]
Jean-Marc Bouchard, sax., and Jérôme Blais, pno, Christ Church Cathedral, Montréal:[audio:|titles=Transfuges CCC]
by Ziya Tabassian, percussion and Samy Vero, trumpet, Montreal, September 2004; by Wallace Halladay, saxophone, Saint-John’s, Newfoundland, February 2005; by Motion Ensemble, Sackville, NB, July 2005; by Rosa Ensemble (Amsterdam), Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, January-February 2006; by Moineaux D’Entendre ensemble (violin and percussion), Willisau, Switzerland, November 2006. Radio broadcast: SRC, January 2001.